This is from a previous blog I wrote a few years ago. . .
We've been so bombarded with secular "facts" and data about marriage, about money, about relationships, about careers, basically about everything you can think of that Christians overlook the Truth and God's promises.
I see this time and time again. How can we abandon God's Truth, His promises, and let the societal "norms" dictate our decisions, formulate our opinions, and skew our basic beliefs?
This is not ground breaking or even a new idea, but America has become a society which thrives on instant gratification. Sure spending those last few dollars in your bank account on the necklace that matched your outfit perfectly felt good at the time, that is, until you realized you're out of laundry soap, you need gas in your car, and there's nothing in your refrigerator. That necklace doesn't feel so good now, does it?
The new model automobile is so enticing with all it's options, so you take out a high interest loan. You'll be cool sporting the newest car you really can't afford and everyone at the office will think something of you. That is, until you lose that job and go unemployed for several months and the car gets repossessed. Well it felt good while it lasted, right? Those few times you got to show off in it sure felt gratifying.
What about the marriage that was supposed to be a Cinderella fairy tale and go on to be "happily ever after?" I'm not talking about marriages in which someone renounces God, is physically abusive, or is an adulterer. Here are definitely legitimate and Biblical grounds for divorce. I'm talking about the people I've heard say, "well I can always get a divorce!" You don't think you should have to "work" on things? If you're in love it should "fall" into place and "work" itself out? Sorry, but that's only in the movies! Divorce is a trend for some people who have reconcilable differences.
What about just NOT getting married? Who needs a wife or husband telling them what to do all the time? Besides, when I have a wife or husband they will be the only person I'm ever with for the rest of my life. What about when they stop making me feel good? I don't need to take part in a "union"... Marriage is only a legal contract. Who gets married anymore? I can make a promise in front of God without getting married!
Really?!? These are things I've heard before. These are things I've seen before. These are now normal beliefs and actions of Americans everyday.
God promises us so much more than
a few meaningless moments of the warm and fuzzy feelings. When you became a Christian God didn't say you would feel instant gratification in every encounter of your life. He didn't promise you things would be easy. He promised He'd be there for you. What we want is not always what we need. What we plan is not always what He executes.
He promised the Bible would contain all Truths and when you doubt, seek His word. When you are suffering or alone, seek His word. When you feel like the only person on the planet with problems, challenges, and road blocks, seek His word.
I've not always been a perfect person. Well I've never been perfect at all for that matter. I'm not a soapbox dweller, but I do know God is the master creator of the universe who loves you, knows your name, and wants the best for you. He wants you to lean on him and in all ways seek his Truth. He wants you to not worry, but pray about everything.
A Christian lifestyle is not about a perfect lifestyle. It's not about what you wear. It's not about what society considers normal. It's not about the material things you can't take with you to heaven. It's not about being happy 100% of the time.
It is about turning to Christ and acknowledging Him in all ways. God loves you and wants you to be a faithful follower. He doesn't care if you drive a fancy car or wear a big fat diamond ring. He loves you in tattered clothes and a beat up truck. He wants the best for you.
Be faithful in all ways and God will bless your life. If you are spending all your money and bouncing checks, missing credit card payments, praying for more money is not your solution. Try being a faithful steward with the paychecks you have earned. Why would you want to mismanage even more money?
If you're dating and praying for the perfect mate to fall at your footsteps you should be glorifying God through your words and actions. Why would you want to put yourself in a less than desirable situation with someone because you simply couldn't glorify God through your choices?
If you're having a rough time in your marriage, remember the promise you made to one another. You are now one and God wants nothing more than to bless your marriage and work miracles in your relationship. In all ways praise God and give Him the glory he so rightfully deserves.
When you are a faithful follower God blesses your relationships and your situations. Not everything will be easy all the time. Marriage is a constant work-in-progress. We grow and change and mature. We are sometimes hard to deal with and quick to deny our relationships. Don't ask God to fix a marriage you're not willing to work on. These "blessings" oftentimes do not seem like blessings at all. Being "blessed" can mean a multitude of things.
I feel "blessed" God stopped me in my tracks and I became a single mom. I feel "blessed" I didn't always live a perfect Christian life. I made mistakes, and I still make mistakes, but I've learned substantial lessons from each of these blessings. God drew me closer to his heart than I ever thought He could. He turned me to His word and His kingdom.
God is the only instant gratification there is. His word will gratify you far longer than any material possession ever will. Instant is really not the right description of his gratification. Perhaps, extensive gratification might fit Him better. You will continue to be gratified in your Christian lifestyle when you seek the Truth and the real Promises found in His word. Don't rely on society and statistics to determine what is "normal". God is your truth, light, and the way.
I wish blessings to you.
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