Thanks for stopping by and spending a little time here.
My name is Tiffanie and I am a perfectly-imperfect follower of Christ. I am also a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher to some pretty amazing folks. I have a burning passion to serve our Lord and help others to make the life-changing decision to accept Him into their heart.
I've been blessed with some pretty cool life experiences and my life has been nothing short of amazing! I've had my ups and downs, and I continue to even to this very day, but there's one thing that remains constant in my life and that's my incredible Heavenly Father. Everyday I live to give Him the glory and to further His kingdom. I believe this is why I was put on this earth.
A little bit of my testimony:
I grew up in a Catholic home where we went to church most Sundays. I wasn't baptized as an infant like most Catholics, therefore I didn't take part in the sacraments when my other Catholic friends did.
I made the choice when I was about 10 to do the RCIA class and get baptized, take my first communion, and get confirmed all on the same day. This was really my way of not feeling ostracized at church on Sundays since I had to quietly sit in my pew as my peers went up to receive communion. However, I really didn't quite understand this whole Christianity thing and that confusion continued into my early 20s.
I graduated from high school and after two years at a community college I went off to college. During college I didn't ever go to church, I can count the times I went on one hand, sadly enough.
I loved college and I developed some awesome friendships, but looking back I remember feeling as if something was missing. There was this yearning deep in my heart to be more. To do more. To feel more. At the time I didn't understand, and it's quite possible I wasn't fully aware I was even feeling this way, but I know that deepest most inner desire was God desperately trying to develop a relationship with me.
My best friend in college, Lindsay, was awesome. Even though she strayed from The Lord a little, she "got it." She understood what it meant and what it took to be a Christian. She ended up leaving school before me to pursue a full-time career and through her journey back to Christ, I found myself looking for that relationship, too.
She quickly fell back into the "church culture" as I like to call it and I tried to follow.
The day God decided he was tired of me ignoring him and making a halfway effort was the day I decided I just hadn't been feeling right. Something was different about me. Something wasn't completely right.
Thankfully I didn't ignore that feeling and without going into too much detail, I found out I was pregnant. Wow! Thanks for wrecking my plans God! I wasn't supposed to be pregnant. I was supposed to have a career, get married, travel the world, spend some more time abroad, and on and on and on.
Little did I know, this would wreck my life for the absolute best and through this amazing journey of becoming a mom, a single mom at that, I became a new Christian. Through this time of shame, guilt, embarrassment, and the feeling that I let my family down, I came to know the one true God and He turned my life around for the better.
I graduated from college and became a teacher. I still had a future, even though on that February morning it felt like none of that was possible.
In 2008 I met my husband and we were instantly "in" to each other. We only dated a few months before we found ourselves standing in a Kay Jewelers browsing the engagement rings. We got engaged on November 14th and we got married on Valentine's Day exactly 3 months later; not because I am a hopeless romantic, but because Hurricane Ike and its crazy damage was still fresh on our minds and we were going to have a wedding before the next hurricane season!
Shortly after we got married we found out we were pregnant with baby number two, well two for me, one for Kyle. Even though from day one Kyle said he really fell in love with my son first.
Fast forward a couple years and here we are. In a poor attempt to be brief, I'll spare you all the details of my crazy life! But, one thing that's important to note is our family's relationship with Christ. We love The Lord and we are raising our kids in a Christian home. We fall short of God's glory every. Single. Day. But, we know through his mercy and grace, we will continue to learn and grow.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the blog. Leave me comments if you feel led to!
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