Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Summa Gone"

Kyle and his best friend Brent always say, "summa gone" in which the other replies, "summa been gone." It always makes me laugh to hear them in their goofy voices say this along with a multitude of other little catch phrases they say repeatedly.

Well, today this is true for me! Today was officially the last day of summer! I'm actually very eager and excited to begin the new school year. I love a new beginning. A fresh start. New students, new faces, new parents.

Last year I had a wonderful, and I do mean wonderful group of young ladies and gentleman. I think it was the best group I've taught yet. They meshed so well and the chemistry of each class was one of higher learning, but of fun and interest. We set and reached goals together and we definitely all grew. I am so thankful for the students who were in my classes. I thoroughly enjoyed watching them enter as immature freshmen and leave a little more mature, a little more refined, and a little more ready for the next chapter of their lives.

I pray this year's class will bring me just as many good memories, good laughs, and good distractions as last's! They truly are a bright group of kiddos and they gave me a little more hope in the up and coming generations.

I only hope they continue to grow into outstanding young adults. I hope this year's group of kids leaves a positive mark on my teaching career just as these kids did.

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