Tuesday, August 6, 2013


This will be an ongoing blog to keep track of all the funny things Kylee says! Enjoy! You have to read each one with a sassy attitude and a head bob. 

*Uncle Snake was shoveling sand from a big sand pile in Pappy and FiFi's driveway. Kylee asks him, "Isn't it rude when someone does something to someone?" Snake, "yes." Kylee, "well you're doing something to me. You're messing up my sandcastle!" 

*I was trying to get Kylee dressed for family pictures. When she wouldn't cooperate and I got a little frustrated with her she asked me, "Why you bein' so dramatic?" 

*I was telling Kylee she needed to sleep by herself in her own bed tonight and she asked, "can God sleep with me?!" 

*FiFi needed to use the bathroom, but I was in there taking a shower. Kylee told her, "Go use Mommy's bathroom." FiFi said, "But your mommy is taking a shower." Kylee replies, "so! She's not sitting on the toilet!" 

*Kylee was sitting on the potty and she looks up and says, "Hey Mommy! I'm pooping out those two bananas!" Oh good grief!


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