Thursday, July 25, 2013

God's Wisdom

Pastor Chris preached about submitting to God's wisdom rather than human wisdom. As we worked at the Dream Center last week, we kept this at the forefront of our thoughts knowing we would all be stepping out of our comfort zones to reach people for Christ.

Society tells us too often that we're not good enough, we're not strong enough, we're too weak, we're not worthy, we're too skinny, we're too fat; the list could go on and on. While society is filling up our heads with these nagging thoughts, we tend to submit to this human wisdom, rather than the One who refutes each one of these thoughts. It's easy to collapse under the pressure and submit to what society thinks about us. For whatever personal reason there may be, we tend to ignore our wonderful Creator's opinions of us, thus pushing aside God's wisdom. 

Not only is it hard to see ourselves the way God sees us, it's hard to see others the way God sees them. God created every single human on this planet in His image with his own talents to offer. God loves the smallest and weakest all the way up to the biggest and strongest. No person "falls through the cracks" in God's eyes. He knows us. He yearns for a personal relationship with all 7 odd billion of us. 

My week at the Dream Center taught me so many lessons, I can't imagine being able to write about every single little "ah ha" moment I experienced. But. there's one thing that was made extremely clear to me through this journey: to love people
Like God loves people. Put everything else aside and give people grace. Give people the benefit of the doubt and show them sincere care and worth. Everyone, no matter how rich or poor, can surely use prayer, love, and encouragement. There's no one "too far gone" for God's grace and love. Why do humans think they get to make that decision about fellow humans??? None of us are God! 

We simply submit to God's commandment to love each other. (John 15:17) When we start seeing each other through God's vision, we gain a greater understanding and appreciation for humanity. We start to understand that God's wisdom is so much better than human wisdom! When we listen to God's  word and truly seek Him, it's so much easier for us to get out of our comfort zone and do His work! 

God's wisdom trumps human wisdom every single time. Seek His ways in all you do. 

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