Once we were there we split into two teams. An incredible Christian man named Manny led my team. Manny looked just like any ordinary guy, but looks can be deceiving, and Manny is far from ordinary! As we walked the streets of Skid Row, surrounded by feelings of hopelessness, grief, fear, and the ultimate attack by Satan, Manny offered up a glimmer of hope to the hopeless; he shook people's hands, he prayed with people, he rapped for people, and he showed a sincere care for these people who society has given up on.
See, we have allowed this to happen in our cities. We have allowed people to think there's nothing more to life than living hour-by-hour on the drug ridden streets. We've allowed people to think they are no longer welcome in society for their past mistakes. We've allowed Satan to comfortably set up his den in OUR space and claim God's children as his victims. It's people like Manny who go to Skid Row and other gang-ridden and drug-infested neighborhoods day in and day out who offer hope to the hurt and lost souls who reside there.
As we walked the streets of Skid Row we invited people to church. Most declined but there was one man who said yes! That one yes proved to be the highlight of my day and quite possibly my trip. We were waiting to cross the street when someone walked up behind us and gently asked, "are y'all Christians?" We all turned around and saw a taller gentleman, who honestly didn't look like he belonged on Skid Row, looking at us. We said YES!! He asked us to pray for him and he explained he was a "new" Christian. Once we prayed with him we asked him to church. He hesitated at first, but then he agreed! Our new friend's name was Henry. He was so pleasant and super pumped about being saved and a "new" Christian you couldn't help but smile when talking to him.
Henry had been out of jail almost a week at this point. He was 50 years old with children, but his addiction to meth landed him in jail. He asked me to look at a paper that had different facial expressions on it and choose what I felt at that moment. It was a no-brainer that out of the 40 or so faces on the page, I felt joyful! When I selected joyful Henry wrote J-O-Y in his notebook. He proceed to say J stands for Jesus, O stands for others, and Y stands for yourself. Pretty good for a "new" Christian! Henry ripped that out of his notebook and handed it to me; something I will keep forever!
Once on the bus I met another gentleman who was very clean cut named Ray. Ray was a quiet 40 year old Philipino man. I moved from my seat and sat behind him so we could chat more easily on the way to the temple. He very willingly shared his testimony Of abandonment, drugs, and alcohol which all landed him on Skid Row. However his 10 year stint of drug and alcohol addiction came to an end 11 months ago when he entered a program at the Union Rescue Mission. He was about to graduate and was looking forward to continuing to work at the URM and then get on his feet.
His story included parents dying when he was 5 years old, being abused, and being adopted out 3 separate times. His lack of feeling wanted and valued led to drugs, alcohol, and ultimately living on the streets. However, his story didn't bring sadness, rather joy to my heart to literally see, in action, what Jesus can do in someone's life when they are willing and ready to accept Him! The hope and happiness in Ray's eyes confirmed the amazing power of Jesus and His ability to renew and redeem His children.
After a wonderful sermon, we met back at the bus to tell our friends bye. It was hard saying bye to Henry and Ray not knowing what tomorrow would bring to them, but I have faith God is working wonders in both of their lives. Henry even picked up an application for the Dream Center's Discipleship program. These two men will not be easily forgotten. I loved chatting with them and hearing their stories.
These are the men who society has given up on and has labeled as "crackheads, felons, losers" and every other name Satan has created to turn society away from sinners. At the end of the day I am NO BETTER than Henry or Ray. I have sinned, you have sinned. It is PEOPLE who place a value on sin, not God.
These are the men who society has given up on and has labeled as "crackheads, felons, losers" and every other name Satan has created to turn society away from sinners. At the end of the day I am NO BETTER than Henry or Ray. I have sinned, you have sinned. It is PEOPLE who place a value on sin, not God.
These are men who allowed the enemy to launch an assault on their lives and the devil whispered they weren't good enough, strong enough, valuable enough. It is men like Ray and Henry who remind me of the great power of our almighty God and the reason why I CAN'T GIVE UP ON PEOPLE! I can't, for the sake of humanity, stop serving others in the name of Jesus. There's too much hate, fear, and evil in this world for ME to give up on the power of God.
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