That's the simple problem here: me. I am not in this alone. I'm on a team. A team who should represent all that is holy, mighty, and courageous in this fallen world. I'm on a team where the members show each other grace, they forgive, they love, and they serve. This team has a head coach who led by example when he was on this earth. He never sinned. He forgave. He loved. He cared. He was absolutely perfect. He showed us how our mouths should speak and our hands should serve. He did not make cutting remarks to the thousands who cursed him. He prayed for them, he asked for God's grace to come raining down upon his enemies.
Oh how difficult that must have been!
I never thought of my raw emotions like this before. It's true, though! Whose team am I on? Am I on God's team? The other team is the one of fire and flames. There's two choices. When I'm ugly with my actions and words Satan is cheering and tallying up more points. But, when I'm encouraging and using my words in an empowering way, my team stays ahead.
In the moments of raw emotions, I'm learning it's better to stay quiet then fill the room with words I'll later regret. It's best to keep my temper at bay and try to resolve problems in a more healthy way.
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. (Proverbs 15:1 NIV)
I'm practicing the gentleness in which Christ handles me. He takes care of my every need all the while ensuring life lessons are being taught at every turn and corner. When we are gentle and kind with our words, we are extending grace and perhaps even forgiveness to whoever we are upset with. Shouting hurtful words or scornful name-calling gives way to the devil and only hardens our own heart.
Next time you're upset and in the midst of your raw emotion remember to ask yourself, "whose team am I on?" If the answer is God's team, remember what we learned when we were little, "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." It sounds so cliche, but honestly, it's the best policy!
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