Saturday, January 10, 2015

Seeking Jesus

This has been a super tough week. 

This has been a super tough school year.

There's parts of me that think, "'this isn't fair'. . . 'why us?' . . . 'why is life like this?'" 

But then there's that part of me that remembers we are not of this world. We are not exempt from the pain of this world, but we are not bound to it. When I begin to focus on God's promises it doesn't fully ease the pain, but it does provide comfort through the pain. I remember that it wasn't promised for life to be easy and this is one of those times where it is far from easy. 

I've prayed almost constantly, but mostly I've searched for answers. I've scrolled through tweets. I've stayed glued to social media. And when all of these don't give me the answers I'm looking for, I open my Bible. See I have this totally backwards. There's no answers on Twitter. There's no answers on Instagram or Facebook. There's no mortal who has the answers to the tough questions that haunt me at night when I should be fast asleep. 

I refuse to let my focus be on the responses of man. I refuse to be of this world. Today my focus is shifting back to God's promises, knowing He is always with me and He is the answer to all life's questions. I will acknowledge Him in all my ways, in all my actions. I will love others as Christ has loved me. I will forgive others as Christ has forgiven me. I will search His holy book for the real answers I'm longing for. I will look to Him for guidance, words, and strength that no person can give. 

I will be intentional with my time. I will seek Him always. I will open my Bible. 

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 

I pray peace over each and every person who is suffering. I love you all.