Sunday, June 3, 2012

Writer's Block

Summer is here and once again I'm left wondering where the time went. This school year was a very weird one. My students were amazing. I avoided angry parents, upset kids, and the drama that usually accompanies teaching freshmen. I will definitely miss my students from this year. To be honest, this might be the best group I've taught so far.

This year gave me a lot of material to blog about. However, lately I've been at a loss of words. I've wanted to blog about parenting, God, life lessons, and other things but I have not been able to find the words to express these topics adequately. I'm hoping now that summer is here I can give my blog more attention.

The next blog I want to write will be about parenting. . . Hopefully. That's such an important topic and it deserves some time invested in it. We shall see if this comes to fruition.

If not, it'll still be a happy summer!